One link per day for the next 31
- 20/03/2018
- Writing to space with cows
- 19/03/2018
- OVERVIEW: SpaceEngine based VR experience
- 18/03/2018
- Scott Kelly’s medical monitoring has spawned some horrific press coverage
- 17/03/2018
- MOOC sur la protection de la vie privée
- 16/03/2018
- Un bot pourrait faire ça: et si on jouait autrement ?
- 15/03/2018
- Learn TLA+: a simple tutorial, toward an implementation of JS/Redux
- 14/03/2018
- Solar Exploration
- 13/03/2018
- History, principles, DP and finally everything about APL
- 12/03/2018
- Tutorial to make and understand your own personal statusline in vim
- 11/03/2018
- Tutomobiliste
- 10/03/2018
- Isaac Arthur's Science(-Fiction) videos
- 09/03/2018
- TLA+ explained by Leslie Lamport
- 08/03/2018
- Zuckerzeit, by Cluster
- 07/03/2018
- Water Pump Blues, by Bottleneck John
- 06/03/2018
- Autobiography of a blind programmer, and about ancient coders
- 05/03/2018
- Avoid and break cliques in events
- 04/03/2018
- Ralph and Florian, by (≈)Kraftwerk
- 03/03/2018
- An Early Draft of Carl Sagan's Famous 'Pale Blue Dot' Quote
- 02/03/2018
- Grace Hopper courses
- 01/03/2018
- How the Apollo Spacecraft works
- 28/02/2018
- ORBIT - A Journey Around Earth in Real Time
- 27/02/2018
- The sinful engineer
- 26/02/2018
- Turing machine in wood
- 25/02/2018
- Why physicists still use Fortran
- 24/02/2018
- BEEcosystem: bring bees in your life
- 23/02/2018
- Demonstration of Acceleration Inside the International Space Station During a Reboost
- 22/02/2018
- Dogelang. Slow. Stupid. Absolutely adorable.
- 21/02/2018
- How CERN scaled up Eclipse for the LHC
- 20/02/2018
- The best way to write secure and reliable applications
- 19/02/2018
- Human Universals from The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
- 18/02/2018
- Qui veut cadenasser le web ?
- 17/02/2018
- Paléontologie sur youtube
- 16/02/2018
- Is NASA a waste of money ?
- 15/02/2018
- Bourses nationales pour les projets persos
- 14/02/2018
- Convince people not to share their password with trusted others
- 13/02/2018
- The Lykov family
- 12/02/2018
- Bouletcorp
- 11/02/2018
- Views and sounds of Falcon Heavy's boosters
- 10/02/2018
- Explorables explanations
- 09/02/2018
- Gource: versionalized code source visualization
- 08/02/2018
- Programming Sucks
- 07/02/2018
- How many people are in space right now
- 06/02/2018
- We are wired to raise children in community
- 05/02/2018
- Import madness: implement mergesort with import statements instead of functions
- 04/02/2018
- Liste d'idées reçues : croyances populaires diverses
- 03/02/2018
- Earth and Jupiter from Mars
- 02/02/2018
- Why programmers work at night
- 01/02/2018
- Geogebra online tool can exports to tikz
- 31/01/2018
- AMP text editor
- 30/01/2018
- Scaled Solar System in the Desert
- 29/01/2018
- Animagraffs: 360° visualization of everyday objects
- 28/01/2018
- smenu: terminal utility to create easy to the eye selections
- 27/01/2018
- Blue Origin: Ride to space onboard Crew Capsule 2.0
- 26/01/2018
- The Uncomfortable: collection of inconvenient everyday objects
- 25/01/2018
- Can (a ==1 && a== 2 && a==3) ever evaluate to true?
- 24/01/2018
- Argüman: argument analysis platform
- 23/01/2018
- Cool retro term: Fallout like terminal for everyday use
- 22/01/2018
- Breaking Bad, the movie
- 21/01/2018
- Markovify: generation and walk of markov chains
- 20/01/2018
- sqlite2dot: dot visualization of sqlite database
- 19/01/2018
- Chaînes d'Histoire françaises (sur youtube)
- 18/01/2018
- MIND & MACHINE: Future Technology, Futurist Ideas
- 17/01/2018
- I am harvesting card numbers and passwords from your site. Here is how.
- 16/01/2018
- Life history of arttic wolk spiders
- 15/01/2018
- N choose K: The best algorithm no one knows about
- 14/01/2018
- Du pendant sociologique des accidents de la route
- 13/01/2018
- Tracery: auto-generation of content based on vocabulary and grammar
- 12/01/2018
- ISS Transit Finder
- 11/01/2018
- Kung Fury: Street Rage
- 10/01/2018
- L'Odieux Connard: stukka informatif utilisateur de coussin en peau de blogueuse mode
- 09/01/2018
- The powdertoy !
- 08/01/2018
- Bealls list of predatory publishers
- 07/01/2018
- NINJA ELIMINATOR II : Quest of the Magic Ninja Crystal
- 06/01/2018
- Writing with vim
- 05/01/2018
- Traduction: Les enfants ne savent pas se servir d'un ordinateur
- 04/01/2018
- Regex was taking 5 days to run. So i built a tool that did it in 15 minutes.
- 03/01/2018
- Published papers about NASA's twins study
- 02/01/2018
- Who speaks for Earth ?
- 01/01/2018
- Veles: binary data visualization
- 31/12/2017
- Parallax: a documentary about 806-4616-0111, a water world in the Milky Way
- 30/12/2017
- MOOSE: a framework for physics simulations
- 29/12/2017
- Box: Python dictionaries with advanced dot notation access
- 28/12/2017
- Dolibarr: FOSS-based management of resources and customer management for professionnals
- 27/12/2017
- Spanish Flea, by Herb Alpert
- 26/12/2017
- Of the use of
instead of
- 25/12/2017
- Writes large correct program
- 24/12/2017
- Arc, or the new implementation of the hundred years old language
- 23/12/2017
- C'est quoi un forum ?
- 22/12/2017
- Worldview by EOSDIS (NASA)
- 21/12/2017
- Moon machines: a documentary series about the engineering behind Apollo program
- 20/12/2017
- CNRS: Fascinante parole sifflée
- 19/12/2017
- All the linar algebra you need for AI
- 18/12/2017
-, l'Amazon français du livre
- 17/12/2017
- Numerous examples of abuses by ISPs
- 16/12/2017
- Lisp in less than 200 lines of C
- 15/12/2017
- biolapse: I build robots. I film plants.
- 14/12/2017
- Scientists discover that dark matter is Dyson spheres mining alien cryptocurrency
- 13/12/2017
- Neural networks for generating music
- 12/12/2017
- Genomix Fighter doesn't work with Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity
- 11/12/2017
- Dr. Phibes and The Ten Plagues of Egypt
- 10/12/2017
- implimits: implementation quantities limits in C++
- 09/12/2017
- Where do dwarf-eating carp come from ?
- 08/12/2017
- Event Horizon Telescope: save this link for 2018
- 07/12/2017
- cpy2py: use multiple interpreters/compilers on one single python code
- 06/12/2017
- Faire tourner AOE 2 HD sur playonlinux
- 05/12/2017
- MINIX: you already use it, it's everywhere
- 04/12/2017
- Waterfox: Firefox for end-users
- 03/12/2017
- White litterature: An Assessment of Cost Improvements in the NASA COTS/CRS Program and Implications for Future NASA Missions, by Edgar Zapata
- 02/12/2017
- Why does
represents the home folder on unix-like systems ?
- 01/12/2017
- Fighting piracy by unbundling the publication system
- 30/11/2017
- GlassDuo: etheral music, here with Harry Potter theme
- 29/11/2017
- Etienne Klein - Cours introductif de Philosophie des Sciences
- 28/11/2017
- Les trucs qui me font détester votre site web en 2017
- 27/11/2017
- Il faut agrandir le centre commercial
- 26/11/2017
- SAM network: video database of knowledge
- 25/11/2017
- Explaining things using Evolution's reverse thinking
- 24/11/2017
- LaTeX: redéfinir le comportement de l'underscore
- 23/11/2017
- A Python implementation in Common Lisp
- 22/11/2017
- Latex for Formal Concept Analysis
- 21/11/2017
- RD-600: Soviet gas-core bimodal nuclear thermal rocket
- 20/11/2017
- Bienvenue dans cette imprimerie spécialisée dans l'imprimé inutile & le livre illisible
- 19/11/2017
- There is two step in building a system: think, and do.
- 18/11/2017
- Tous les avions. Maintenant, partout, avec plein d'info.
- 17/11/2017
- Bonjour je suis: une liste de polices
- 16/11/2017
- Gradescope: aide à la notation pour les profs
- 15/11/2017
- Flyby de Jupiter ; images de Juno reconstituées
- 14/11/2017
- Tkinter -> tkinter: from dinopython to python
- 13/11/2017
- Deepl: translation by neural networks
- 12/11/2017
- Open-sourcing the Apollo 11 mission was probably one of the best thing NASA did for our living-room
- 11/11/2017
- J. D. Cook: twitter pages
- 10/11/2017
- Pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas d'étoile verte ?
- 09/11/2017
- Coverity
- 08/11/2017
- When did people decide that all caps means the writer is shouting ?
- 07/11/2017
- New York Times on Tor
- 06/11/2017
- The power of believing that you can improve
- 05/11/2017
- Lot's of (ELI5'ed) data about rockets, orbits, and payloads in one cool infography
- 04/11/2017
- One program to rule them all
- 03/11/2017
- Hashing, with salt and pepper
- 02/11/2017
- SE/parenting: une réponse écrite par quelqu'un de ma génération
- 01/11/2017
- Un nouveau business model pour les sites web
- 31/10/2017
- The myth of the one-billion dollar space pen
- 30/10/2017
- vimanim: make animations out of vim commands
- 29/10/2017
- Exercism: learn languages by practicing from your terminal
- 28/10/2017
- How to see and photograph geosynchronous satellites
- 27/10/2017
- Meat
- 26/10/2017
- GDC: à propos de The Witcher 3
- 25/10/2017
- Others will follow
- 24/10/2017
- It was a really formative piece of work, and i took a lot of inspiration from it.
- 23/10/2017
- Winnower, reddit et médiations scientifiques
- 22/10/2017
- Techno toujours pareil ; boom boom dans les oreilles
- 21/10/2017
- Le prix de la mémoire, de 1957 à nos jours
- 20/10/2017
- Une RFC qui définit foo et bar
- 19/10/2017
- Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers
- 18/10/2017
- Say Yeah ; Loïc Desplanques
- 17/10/2017
- Greensleeves
- 16/10/2017
- Est-ce que c'est encore l'état d'urgence ?
- 15/10/2017
- My heart's in the Highlands
- 13/10/2017
- How to C in 2016 (and its response)
- 12/10/2017
- Gill Sans Light, la police de 2001 l'odyssée de l'espace
- 11/10/2017
- Vos libertés, mes libertés, un coups de gueule
- 10/10/2017
- Les quatre saisons, remasterisées
- 09/10/2017
- Mars Society: Exploring Mars in VR
- 08/10/2017
- A gentle introduction to Answer Set Programming
- 06/10/2017
- How to NOT land an orbital rocket booster
- 05/10/2017
- Learn javascript in 2016
- 04/10/2017
- The evolution of language, by aiju
- 03/10/2017
- Dessine-moi un caractère UTF8
- 02/10/2017
- Chaine youtube: copain du web
- 01/10/2017
- Statistiques sur Reflet d'Acide
- 30/09/2017
- Ungit, un visualisateur d'historique git
- 28/09/2017
- Une librairie pour l'affichage de gros graphes en Python
- 27/09/2017
- 1988 Aerobic Championship Opening
- 26/09/2017
- SIGGRAPH: Technical papers trailer
- 25/09/2017
- 10 mythes sur la vie privée
- 23/09/2017
- Le plan de Boeing pour Mars
- 22/09/2017
- The Cherno Project
- 21/09/2017
- The art of over-engineering your side projects
- 19/09/2017
- L'athéisme et le language, La Tronche en biais
- 18/09/2017
- Jamie xx — Gosh
- 17/09/2017
- A universe from nothing, by Lawrence Krauss, AAI 2010
- 16/09/2017
- Spacebat memorial
- 14/09/2017
- Listen to Wikipédia
- 13/09/2017
- Pycon'14: generator, the new frontier
- 12/09/2017
- Sur écoute — jcfrog
- 11/09/2017
- Think: de la musique pendant les commandes longues
- 10/09/2017
- Keepassxc, une autre application de gestion de mot de passe
- 08/09/2017
- Get the current or all Firefox tab urls in Bash (and Python)
- 07/09/2017
- A notification system for tiling window manager
- 05/09/2017
- Designing a Tree Diff Algorithm Using Dynamic Programming and A*
- 04/09/2017
- A useful but hard to find package for unix users
- 02/09/2017
- The (small) story behind SSH's port
- 31/08/2017
- Haskell as an antispam engine
- 30/08/2017
- zeppelin
- 29/08/2017
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